Casa San José

Andres Oliveros Sanchez

Below, you will find a list short biography and list of recognitions and awards.


Doctoral student in Education (Colombia), Master of Laws (Colombia) and Bachelor of Social Sciences (Colombia) with a focus on inclusive education. Experience as an advisor in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies on disability and university professor in the master's degree in disability at the Autonomous University of Manizales (Colombia). Publication of five scientific articles and seven awards between 2020 and 2022 for the scientific and academic contribution to the department of Caldas - Colombia. Technological skills in the specialized software ATLAS TI for the analysis and interpretation of qualitative research.

Recognitions and awards:
-President of the Republic and Public Function Director. Special recognition for being a public servant with promotion and leadership of inclusion and diversity programs and initiatives in the municipality of La Dorada - Caldas. Bogotá June 2021.
-Recognition Municipal Board of Education JUME as the best teacher of the Municipality of La Dorada Caldas. 2021.
-University of Manizales. Strategy Caldas walks towards inclusion.
-Rafael Pombo School. Second place Departmental in autoethnographic writings Mirringa - Mirronga.
-Second Departmental Investigative category. Investigative writing with students. ONDAS 2020 Tournament.
-CEDER Corporation. Recognition for leadership in the construction of Public Policies on Disability in Caldas and Manizales, improving the living conditions of people, groups, populations with disabilities and their families. Manizales 2020.
-Recognition for the human quality, ethical, pedagogical and academic principles, leaving as a legacy the positioning of the Educational Institution on the pedestal of glory, becoming the emblematic
educational center of the municipality, icon of many generations. Santo Domingo Savio Educational Institution. Chinchina - Caldas. 2018.