Casa San Jose



A six-agency partnership headed by Jewish Family & Community Services, and all agencies are experts in serving the growing immigrant community. Partners include Casa San Jose, a program of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council (GPLC), Latino Family Center of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Northern Area Multi-Service Center (NAMSC), and South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM).


Information & referrals (with interpretation when needed), service coordination (with interpretation when needed) to assess needs and connect clients to a full range of community connections, and bilingual navigation. Bilingual community workers provide ISAC clients with hands-on short-term assistance to help them learn to access services so clients become more independent.


  • Casa serves as a service coordination site for immigrants and refugees in Allegheny County.
  • Casa bridges the cultural divide between Latino immigrants and service providers by training staff and volunteers of the service-providing agencies to interact with Latino immigrants constructively.
  • Casa hosts special events conducted in Spanish such as consular visits, health and wellness seminars, and cultural events and festivities.
  • Casa works directly with job-seeking clients who may not be eligible for services from other career service agencies.

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